Minnesota Department of Corrections Logo

Public Registrant Search


General Information

The Minnesota Department of Corrections discloses information on this website regarding individuals who are required to register under Minnesota Statutes 243.166 or 243.167 who are also subject to public notification according to Minnesota Statutes 244.052 or 253D.32. The law enforcement agency responsible for disclosing information determines, on a case-by-case basis, what information to disclose. The Minnesota Department of Corrections posts information to this website within 48 hours of receiving authorization from law enforcement.

For information on the notification process or questions you might have about community notification, contact the DOC's Community Notification Unit at (651) 361-7340, toll free (866) 396-9953 or send an email to notification.doc@state.mn.us. You can expect a response within 24 hours during normal business hours.

Visit the Department of Corrections website to view a Fact Sheet that describes the Community Notification Act and how levels are assigned.

Mugshot Front Mugshot Side

Birth Date
Black/Non Hispanic
Skin Tone
Dark Brown
Hair Color
Eye Color
5' 8"
178 lbs.
MNDOC Offender ID
Supervising Agent
Expired from court imposed Minnesota prison sentence and supervised release.
Supervision Comments
Not Applicable - Sentence Expired
Release Date
Offense Statute(s)
609.25 & 609.322
Offense Information
Shah Aziz has a history of kidnapping and sexual contact with known female teenagers and adults. Contact included penetration. Physical force and weapons were used to gain compliance.
Address County
Registered Address
Minneapolis, MN 55403
Law Enforcement Agency
Minneapolis Police Department
Also Known As Names
Azia, Shah Quaran ehassan
Azia, Shah Quran
Aziz, Shah Quran
Aziz, Shah-quran
Aziz, Shah-quran Ehassan
Bacon, Daryl Gerard
Bacon, Shane Demetrios
Bacon, Shane Demetrius
Boland, David Ralph
Everett, Shane Demetrius
Everette, Shane Demetrius
Everettm shane demetrius ehassan,

Public Registrant Search Disclaimer

The information about this registrant is released to the public pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 244.052 or 253D.32. This registrant has completed a term in prison or has been released from confinement at a state treatment facility. He has a history that may include an offense or civil commitment status that requires registration under Minnesota Statutes 243.166 or 243.167. According to all of the information known to the Minnesota Department of Corrections this registrant is not wanted by law enforcement unless otherwise noted above. Rather, this information is provided to the public to enhance public safety through knowledge of the registrant's general area of residence. If you have any questions about the registrant, please contact the law enforcement agency listed on this page.

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